Discover Steampunk Silver Jewelry

Steampunk Silver Jewelry

From Antiquity to the Middle Ages to futuristic designs, silver jewelry impresses with its malleability and affordability. Sterling Silver is 92.5% pure, and has the remarkable attribute of aging gracefully. This material patinas so well that Silver Jewelry Stores often exaggerate this quality when talking about their Rings, Bracelets and other creations. Steampunk also highlights these jewels, and this for the following qualities and advantages ...

Peacock Ring

Why Silver Steampunk Jewelry?

Key points

  • Malleability of Silver : Silver jewelry is valued for its ability to conform to various creative designs.
  • Durability and Cost : Sterling silver is durable and affordable, ideal for young people and those on a budget.
  • Victorian Influences : The steampunk style is heavily inspired by the Victorian era and the Industrial Revolution.
  • Gothic Symbolism : Mourning and Gothic jewelry, often made of silver, adds a dark and elegant dimension.
  • Natural Aesthetics : Floral and animal motifs were popular before mourning jewelry.
  • Punk/rock fusion : Steampunk incorporates punk and rock elements, expressing a rejection of consumerist society.
  • Biker Style : Steampunk jewelry shares similarities with biker accessories, reinforcing a group spirit.
  • Historical accessibility : Mass production in the Victorian era made jewelry accessible to the general public.
  • Royal Ornaments : Victorian royalty wore lavish jewelry, influencing the trends of the time.
  • Jewelry for Everyone : Silver jewelry offers an attractive aesthetic for every budget and style.

Let’s face it, most of us weren’t born with a silver spoon in our mouths, which makes sterling silver jewelry the perfect option! This is especially true for younger shoppers who can’t afford or want to splash out on gold. For millennials, sterling silver jewelry can be a great way to find their signature style at a reasonable price. And silver jewelry makes a great gift for kids and teens because of its durability and low cost.

These are the reasons why designers make a majority of their masterpieces in sterling silver. This allows them to offer the same aesthetic look to all budgets, which is also what we have decided to do.

Why Vintage Silver Jewelry?

Steampunk & Vintage Silver Jewelry

Obviously the Steampunk style is very often associated with the Victorian era and the industrial revolution. Victorian jewelry is complex in its symbolism and design. The fashion of the time was very elaborate like other artistic expressions such as painting or architecture. Worn as an ornament, a token of love or a souvenir, the jewel reveals and underlines a way of life and a state of mind. A Silver Jewel not only completes the perfectly dressed ladies' costume, but is also a way of showing one's position in society, one's marital status and therefore one's identity.

Since the Victorian era, which spanned six decades, many types of jewelry have emerged and remained in fashion. Mass production allowed the masses to afford and have access to jewelry like never before seen in history. When it came to the nobility, ostentation and grandeur became the norm. The “more is more” of the Victorian era was later carried over into the way jewelry was worn by royalty and aristocracy. Paintings of Queen Victoria and other members of the royal family on formal occasions show multiple brooches, earrings, bracelets, and ornaments. But the jewelry of ordinary people is a fascinating collectible, a history lesson that still enchants us today.

Steampunk Jewelry and Watch Parts

What are the influences of today's Steampunk Jewelry ?

  • The Mechanical and Industrial Style: immediately recognizable, it is visually unique. Gears, clockwork parts and other small parts are grafted onto the jewel.
  • Mourning jewelry / Gothic: Mourning jewelry was the only type of jewelry allowed during the first two or three years of mourning. The most beautiful were made of silver for their neutral color. The Gothic genre is quite close and sometimes confused, because dark colors and religious elements are often common to both styles.
  • The Naturalist Style: A very popular fashion for a time before the advent of mourning jewelry (following the death of Prince Albert) was to take inspiration from nature. All the jewelers of the empire used the floral or animal element in their creations.
  • Punk / Rock: since the 70s with the arrival of alternative fashions, steampunk has been permeating and mixing with other styles. Just like with Gothic, we share this rejection of this conformist society where unbridled consumption reigns. This influence can be seen in the spikes, aggressive geometric shapes, skulls and disturbing modern designs. Silver is particularly well suited to the punk or rock look.
  • Biker Style: the love of motorcycles, beautiful mechanics and the leather that goes with them irresistibly brings the biker closer to steampunk. The chains, the big rings, the big manly Bracelets of course in Silver add a real plus and strengthen the group spirit.

Vintage Sterling Silver Bracelet

Here are some of ourSilver Bracelets for Men that will seduce you.

Thanks for reading, and see you soon for a new article on the Steampunk Blog !