The Victorian era with the accession of Alexandrine Victoria of Kent , daughter of the Duke of Kent, marked the emergence of a more modern monarchy and more in tune with the aspirations of society than her uncle. During this period, Britain experienced many advances, especially in the fields of industry, science and technology, but also difficulties after the reign of Queen Victoria with the end of the British Empire as a great world power with the reigns of George IV and William IV. Victoria left a lasting mark on history thanks to her preferences and her life linked to this significant era.
During the reign of Queen Victoria , on the throne from 1837 until her death in late January 1901, Britain experienced changes in all areas, including in the nations that were British protectorates or colonies during this period, the Commonwealth . The empire extended far, Queen Victoria was Empress of India for example, and dominated the oceans from her throne.
Many people associate the Victorian period with romance, elegance, and a bygone era that reflects the innocence of a time before the immense cultural upheaval of the 20th century.
Victorian era: the prosperous period of the United Kingdom.
The Victorian era was a period of unprecedented economic power and technological development for the nation, the so-called Industrial Revolution , which transformed British society. London was the centre of a revolution led by Queen Victoria from which England developed into modernity.
It was a time of great prosperity for many Britons, particularly the middle and upper classes in the larger cities. The houses and gardens of England became symbols of the prosperity of the period, with features such as marble fireplaces, wrought iron balustrades and decorative mouldings.
But despite this prosperity, the Victorian era was also marked by significant social and economic inequality. The lower classes of the United Kingdom were often left behind and experienced difficult living conditions, leading to social movements such as Chartism and the labour movement .
Victorian Art and Culture in the United Kingdom
During this time the visual art of the United Kingdom was characterized by a romantic and realistic style , which reflected the values and ideals of the time. Artists created works that depicted scenes from everyday life. Great Britain has portraits of these famous people, landscapes and important historical events immortalized in oil painting . Oil on canvas was the most popular art medium, but other techniques such as watercolour, pastel and etching were also used.
This period is sublimated by culture and literature with classic authors like Charles Dickens or Conan Doyle with his Sherlock Holmes or George Bernard Shaw for his plays. For the Steampunk genre , the important novels are written by writers like Bram Stoker , HG Wells , Jules Verne or Mary Shelley. They are the founders of science fiction, and in some ways the ancestors of the Steampunk movement.

Victorian era fashion inspired by Queen Victoria.
Fashion at the time was influenced by Queen Victoria herself. Her Majesty was known to be an icon during her reign, and her personal style was often imitated by the women of London. This dictated the trends, which were lighter and more colourful at the beginning of her reign and became more austere and gothic in her period of mourning.
Women wore clothes like long, fitted dresses with petticoats underneath to create a volume effect. They preferred elegant dresses, corsets and boots. Button boots, pull-on boots and lace-up boots marked this era.
Men, on the other hand, wore the three-piece suit with long jackets and fitted trousers. Distinguished dandy clothing, such as the redingote and top hats or bowler hats, were very popular among men. Accessories were also very important, with bow ties, gloves and scarves adding a touch of sophistication to every outfit.
Inventions of the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdom.
But what makes the Victorian era truly unique is the technological innovation that took place during Victoria's reign. From the beginning of her reign, inventions such as the telegraph, the telephone, and the steam engine revolutionized industry, transportation, and communications.
This has allowed the UK middle class to grow at an unprecedented rate. The UK labour movement and proletariat are at the heart of the country's evolution, which will use this to transform itself in a matter of decades.
Steampunk; the fantasy version of the Victorian era.
In short, the Victorian era, with very advanced technology such as the railway , is the privileged period of the steampunk movement. Always on the menu, steam engines, gears and mechanisms of all kinds ... modern inventions and technologies are revisited, this is the definition of Steampunk .

The pocket watch: the timeless timepiece
How does Steampunk draw inspiration from the Victorian era?
Victorian Era Jewelry

The finest jewellery isjewellery that was either produced in the Victorian era or modelled after jewellery made during that period in British history.
Jewelry during Victoria's reign was often hand-made.
British craftsmen were often commissioned to make brooches, rings and necklaces, which were often commissioned as gifts, reflecting a certain level of craftsmanship .
On the other hand, some jewelry was also made in factories, using rudimentary techniques under the supervision of an experienced jeweler and the proletariat as the labor force to produce it.

Victorian jewelry was often very ornate, with many gemstones and intricate settings. Mourning jewelry was also very fashionable in the Victorian era , with cameo jewelry and jewelry made from human or animal hair. Less wealthy Victorians used cheaper materials like glass and mother-of-pearl, but these jewelry pieces were still elegant and decorative .
The style of Victorian jewelry is quite distinctive, with lots of jet, diamonds, and coral. It tends to be heavy and elegant, giving an impression of wealth and luxury. Although the Victorian style is a little dated to the modern eye, it is still very popular, and many firms offer reproduction jewelry inspired by real Victorian jewelry.
Choosing an 18th and 19th century dress?

With so many different styles, it can be difficult to decide what to wear. However, if you're looking for a stylish and timeless collection, you can't go wrong with a Victorian Dress .
Named after Victoria , who reigned in the 19th century, Victorian fashion is characterized by long skirts, intricate lace, and high-necked bodices. While putting together a Victorian-inspired outfit may seem like a lot of work, the results are well worth it. Add a few mechanical elements or pair it with accessories like a top hat to make a statement.
Victorian Boots

Victorian lace-up boots were especially popular among women, and their unique style is still appreciated today. Authentic reproductions are often made of the same materials as the original Victorian lace-up boots, and they are available from many different sources. Some people may prefer boots made of artificial materials rather than leather, for reasons of cost or personal preference.
Victorian boots for women come in two main styles.
Low and high, with varying colors such as green, tan, and white, although black and brown are still the most common colors. The laces usually run from the front of the shoe, from the foot to the top of the boot, and the heels are usually 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.6 cm) high, with an hourglass shape. The most distinctive feature of women's Victorian lace-up boots is their very pointed and narrow toe, which may require purchasing a size larger than usual to avoid the toes being too tight.
The influence of films set in the Victorian era.
The period of Victoria's reign has been explored in many films. Some of these films have become classics, and they probably inspired steampunk. The Victorian era was a fascinating time, full of contrasts. On one side you had wealth and power, on the other side you had poverty and misery.
The elites of the empire lived in luxurious mansions, while the poor were crammed into dilapidated tenements. The elites were educated and refined, while the poor were ignorant and brutal. Some films about the Victorian era capture this contrast in a fascinating way. They can inspire us to create steampunk universes rich in detail and intrigue.
What did 19th century furniture look like during Queen Victoria's reign?
These pieces can include replicas inspired by British middle-class furniture, as well as antique pieces that have been restored. Antique Victorian furniture can be extremely valuable, especially to collectors. Some turn-of-the-century pieces are displayed in museums because of their historical significance. All Victorian furniture, whether reproductions or genuine antiques, will feature elements that were popular in the 1800s.
These styles were in production during the reign of Queen Victoria, hence the name Victorian. Many were produced in large quantities and distributed in quantity. Other pieces were hand-designed and sold in local stores. Many wealthy Americans adorned their homes with Victorian furniture.

Victorian furniture from the United Kingdom features intricate carvings and patterns.
Many of the wooden pieces were hand carved with designs inspired by nature. Around the turn of the century, innovations such as chiseling tools were used to create remarkable things. One of the most popular pieces of Victorian furniture was the rocking chair . In later years, the rocking chair was improved to be more functional.
Victorian furniture can be constructed of a variety of materials, although wood is the most common. Walnut and mahogany were the most commonly used woods during this time. Fabrics used in Victorian items can be jacquard, leather, or velvet, to name a few.
Create your own Steampunk furniture straight out of the industrial revolution.
For a more steampunk style, we will opt for an industrial look from the automobile or other means of locomotion. Old tools are reused and diverted, in particular lamps or other everyday objects. Steampunk creators like to use old-fashioned techniques such as riveting or plating for things with a striking vintage look. Copper colors and more generally metals associated with the Victorian era are prioritized. It is important to make people believe in the working condition of these fantastic pieces of furniture straight out of a Jules Verne novel.
The History of Victorian Architecture and the House.

Here is the Victorian Style House which is a marvel declined in different models in cities like London. This style which saw the light of day in 1840 in the United Kingdom has stood the test of time in the minds of many people. Most of these houses are rather large and have two floors with various details in common.
The characteristics of a Victorian style home are indicative of the era from which the style originated.
Technically, this Victorian architecture was most popular between 1840 and 1900, but there were many houses built in this style after that. The majority of houses built in this way are quite large, mainly because building materials were easier to obtain than in the 19th century. The introduction of the railway allowed for materials to be transported quickly, and the typical timber construction of houses was slowly replaced by brick, paving the way for more complex architecture .

One of the most common features of a Victorian style home is a large wraparound porch with decorative railings. Oversized sash windows are usually placed above the front door, and even the roofs are usually decorative and painted. Additionally, turrets, stained glass in windows and doors, and a high, steep roof are all common elements in this type of home.
history of interior design in the united kingdom under queen victoria?
The Victorian era marked huge inventions in British society, and many more in interior design. Many people consider this era to be a very romantic period in history, and they have taken heavy inspiration from the Victorian era for the architecture and decoration of their homes, ranging from real Victorian homes maintained in an authentic period style to modern homes with Victorian-inspired interior design.

One of the major developments of the Victorian era was the rise of industry, which had a profound impact on interior design. Here is a very interesting article on Victorian inventions . Before the advent of mass production, everything used to decorate a home was done by hand, and only the truly wealthy could afford opulent interior designs with wallpaper. With the advent of mechanization , the middle-class man was able to afford items traditionally associated with the wealthy.
Authentic Victorian interior design is dense, sumptuous, and ornate; it can be almost overwhelming for people who are used to a more free-spirited modern aesthetic. Again, it's worth rummaging around and visiting stores or online shops. On the menu then are gems like posters, clocks, and other objects from the period.

Queen Victoria may be remembered as a rigid woman, but she loved rich, deep colors and textures. Victorian homes were often upholstered in very bold and bright patterns, including flocked, embossed, and velvety textures. Furnishings were filled with equally bright colors and rich textures, and Victorian interior design featured plenty of gilding, ornate carvings, and other lavish touches.
In Britain, as electricity was absent for much of the Victorian era, Victorian rooms were filled with an assortment of candles and lamps which provided a low, warm light.
Victorian rooms in general tended to be very comfortable and warm, with floors usually covered with lush carpets for those who could afford them, and painted linens for those who could not. Other decorative touches included houseplants in ornate pots, sculptures and paintings.
Some Victorian interior decor was also infused with Asian-inspired pieces, such as screens, due to the Chinese fashion that arrived with colonies like Hong Kong in the 1850s. As partners with colonized countries, I remind you that Queen Victoria was Empress of India, imports to London were important.
Victorian era homes with faithful interior design can sometimes seem ridiculous to people today. Depending on taste and preferences, most people draw inspiration from Victorian influences, but choose not to go all out in their interior design. They can, for example, use a selection of typical wall colors to match with Victorian furniture of different sizes, but avoid the clutter associated with decorating authentic Victorian homes .
Here are steamers, the inspiration from the Queen Victoria era in steampunk is omnipresent and inseparable.
There are many examples that I could not mention to avoid the indigestible block, we will address the gaps in the future article on Alexandrine Victoire de Kent. See you soon for new content in the exciting world of Steampunk!